Sunday, December 27, 2015

Is The U.S. Military More Corrupt Than The Russian Military?

Sputnik: US Military Outclasses Russia's in Only One Area…Corruption

In spite of prevailing clichés about corruption in Russia being out of control, the scale of the scourge is of an incomparably larger scale in the United States, according to independent journalist Einar Schlereth. In the journalist's view, nowhere is this more obvious than in the case of the US military industrial complex.

In his article, published in popular Austrian news blog Neopresse, Schlereth suggested that if in Russia, corruption and bribery generally have a 'bottom-up' nature, in the US, it is a phenomenon which is inherent to the highest levels of political power.

WNU Editor: Is this one of those cases where the tea-pot is calling the coffee kettle black? This Russian report is also amusing in view of what they posted in the past .... Russia's Military Has A Massive Corruption Problem .... and .... How Did Russia's Minister Of Defense Get To Own An $18 Million Mansion?

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